Brieuc Cornet
L'artiste VFX et le vidéaste
Le cinéma me fascine. Il me transporte et m'inspire. Il me fait rire et pleurer. Un peu comme la musique, sauf que je suis un piètre musicien.
Formé à l'animation 3D et autodidacte en prises de vue réelles, ma passion pour le cinéma s'exprime à travers ses nombreuses facettes. De l'écriture au rendu final, aucun aspect n'échappe à mon intérêt. Ne me lancez pas sur le sujet à moins d'avoir beaucoup de temps devant vous !

Strive to create poetry
Villeneuve says that at the end of the day, the reason why everyone goes to see movies is to be moved by the poetry of the image.
Poetry is undoubtedly the most critical component of a good cinema. If you talk to film fans and mention the title of a well-known movie, it's likely that some key moments or set pieces will come to mind. Those frames were imprinted for a reason.
That, he says, is because those images had a profound meaning. That meaning is orchestrated by the movement of the camera, the light, the design, and the elements that create an invisible meaning. To Villeneuve, this is poetry.
He says that the goal should be to have as many of these moments as you can, to profoundly impact the audience by creating images that they will never forget.
nofilmschool, AlterCine (March 26, 2021)